Friday, December 18, 2009

Game Summit 2010 Location Announcement

Well this is exciting the location and date for the Game Summit 2010 has bee Announced. Looks like it will be at the Nepean Sportsplex on July 17-18, 2010. This is where it was last summer and wow was it a blast. So much room, so many people so much fun!! I can't wait!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow, ok so I'm back. I've recently moved and work has been really crazy. Not much of an excuse for being away for so long but its all I've got for now.

So what the plan for the next little while? Well here it is, I'll be posting a terrain video shortly with an old modeling kit i found. WE'll see if I can take it and turn it into something 40k. We also have a 6 person game happening on January 2nd So I'll be posting a video on that. Oh and I'll be taking pics and making a video on the second Locara tournament I'm going to in February.

Hopefully things have calmed down enough to start posting more often. So until then here is an I'm back video.

Friday, October 23, 2009

DIY - Building Bases

Here is my cheap solution for building/ruins bases. Using barker board samples seems a really good solution, they can be picked up at any building supply store. These boards can also be used as roads.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eldar Nightwing Bases

So I though it was about time to make a base for my Eldar Nightwing but GW wants $18.00 for the valkyrie bases. So I found some foam and some old star trek model bases rod things and went to work.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Preview: Eldar of the Anasinia

Just a preview of the background for my Eldar

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Darby's Bored/Eldar Tactics Live!!

ok, so I was playing around with Ustream today and thought it would be fun to broadcast a game here and there. I was just thinking if people are bored and are near their computers they may be curious about watching a game of 40k, have a little discussion with the people playing. I'd want it to be as interactive as possible. So keep an eye out on here, the Game Summit message board or my Twitter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eldar vs Dark Eldar 1250 points

So my wife and I had a battle tonight and wow it was tough. 1250 points each, it was pitch battle 3 objectives. I went with foot slogging to take a break from my normal mech list. The game ended with many many dead on both sides lol. It was a great all around game and guess who won? Oh I'm not going to tell you, you'll have to watch the video to find out.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Turkey Weekend and Wussing out

Hey all,

Let me start by wishing you a happy Turkey Day weekend. So my wraithlord what can I say, I wussed out haha. I went with my normal craftworld colours. Its 90% done just a few touches here another wash there and 'ard coat all the soul stones.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ran Out of Glue

ok so I ran out of glue before I was really finished assembling my wraith lord now that I'm done here he is. I'm still thinking about colours, redoing 10k of models is going to suck haha. enjoy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eldar Wraith Lord WIP

So here is my Wraith Lord WIP, its armed with two flamers, bright lance and an Eldar missile launcher. I'm still working out the new colours I want to go with for my Craftworld so he wont be painted for a little bit. I'm getting ready to repaint my entire army and rewrite the fluff as well. wish me luck.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Warhammer In NorthBay: Call To Arms Tournament Results

After 4 rounds of play, the winners were as follows:

Best Overall: Scott/North Bay/Daemons
Best General: Mike/Sudbury/Daemons
Best Sportsman: Darby/Eldar/Arnprior
Best Presented: Andrew/Orks/Deep River

Using the former Hall of Hero's scoring format, here are the tournament standings in decending order:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eldar Musician's

Hey all, I picked up some Eldar musician's at the Game Summit this summer. I'm thinking about how to use them in game. I've had suggestions of running them as harlequin, I've thought about warlocks with my Bone Singer. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

World Wargamer Community has Ventrilo!

Hey guys, Fox here from Eldar Tactics. I found this thought this was a fantastic idea. Picture this your sitting around talking to friends about war gaming, painting, modeling and what not from the comfort of your home and your friends are all over the world! Cool huh. Thanks to Catattafish, if you have Ventrilo there is a world wide war gaming voice chat, don't have it no worries follow this Ventrilo Download link and join up. Server info is below.

Space Wolves

I've been curious about this release and for a long time haven't considered making a Space Marine army, I've owned a few tactical squads but I've never really played them. With this new release I'm considering maybe picking up a few tactical squads and painting them up Space Wolf colours. I like the idea of an in your face infantry based Space Marine army. The one thing thats really keeping me from really seriously investing in the army is the over the top models. Ahh, maybe I should just go with Blood Angels, we'll see.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Lost System Online Campaign is now Live!

Like playing 40k? Do you record your battle reports? Check out this online campaign its really interesting. You create you can submit your plants, your battle reports and they effect the progression of the story thats being put forth.

How To Play the Lost System Campaign
Hey all! i made a list of questions that will, when answered help you get to grips with the system of this campaign.

Q: What will need to join in?
A: You will need…
1) A Youtube Account
2) A 40k Army from 400 pts +
3) A opponent
4) A method of making video uploads
5) Registered member of the thelostsystem youtube group

Q: How do i post a battle?
A: Simple! just follow these easy steps…
1) Play a game of 40k (any points size with any expansion)
2) Record aVideo Battle Report of your game
3) Upload your video to your youtube account
4) Go on thelostsystem group and post the url of video on the Planet “topic” you wish the game to take place in
5) Done!

Q: My opponent/ gaming group doesn’t like their games slowed down by battle reports – does that mean i cant be involved?
A: Of course not! If that is the case, make a written battle report and just read it out onto a video – or come up with a more creative and entertaining way – aslong as the report is a video upload.

Q: I dont have regular opponent/ gaming group to play games with, does that mean i can’t be involved?
A: Wrong again! I dont want to exclude anyone, people who cant psyhically play games can still make a difference in the war, via the “Support System”..
This system works by sending a private message via youtube or email to the player you wish to support and myself ( – this must be done before the player you wish to support plays his next game. Once the game is played that player must annouce on his battle report which players are supporting him (by youtube username) – if he wins the victory is multiplied by the amount of players supporting the victor..
For example: Adam is playing against Ian, Adam is supported by John, Ian is supported by David and Henry. Ian wins so instead of his victory counting for 1, it counts for 3 – well done Ian, David and Henry!!!
The principle is that a supporting player has to be savy and think hard about whats player to support in what situation – so enough tactics to keep you guys happy! Also if you wish to read out a narrative report of how your army supported the player – Brilliant!!!
However if i dont get a message alerting me of the support or i do and the player being supported doesnt – than the support doesnt count, sorry!

Q: Is there a limit to how many of my armies can be involved?
A: No, you can use as many different armies as you want, but please send me the background ( so it can be put on this site.

Q: Can i create planets for the lost system?
A: Hell yeah you can!! Please just write your description to the same format as the surveys on this site and send them to me with your name so you can be credited for your hard work (

Q: Will this campaign progress?
A: Most definatly, roughly once a month i will make a video, explaining a overview of the current state of the war aswell as battle awards for players when they play their first game of the month.
Battle awards will be awarded for good solid victories, innovative tactics (in or lose) and brave and honourable defeats – basically do something that makes me (or other admins) think “WOW!” or “Nice one!” than your on good stead for a battle award. These awards will be one use special rules (ie: free stragtagems) – and you have 1 month to use them (i will notify players who run out of time) – when you use them you must annouce their involvement in a game at the begining of the report.
Right i think that is everything covered, if you have anymore questions, just ask away!
Adam Isherwood akasaviourzeroone (

Monday, September 21, 2009

Darby's Eldar Avatar

Hey all just testing out the macro video feature on my new camera. Omg this is amazing, being able to take close up videos like this has me really excited. This is also a pic taken with it. Incase you are curious the type of camera I am using is a Stylus 850 SW

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eldar 1700 Point List North Bay Oct Tournament 2009

Testing my new camera, that I picked up today so expect to see a lot more video battle reports. So here is the list I am thinking about taking to the North Bay tournament.

1700 point list

Farseer (jetbike runes of warding, fortune)
12 jetbikes (2 cannons, warlock, embolden)
10 guardians (shuriken cannon, wave serpent w/ EML, shuriken cannon, spirit stone)
10 guardians (shuriken cannon, wave serpent w/ EML, shuriken cannon, spirit stone)
3 vyper (scatter lasers)
fire prism (holofield, spirit stone)
fire prism (holofield, spirit stone)
falcon (EML holofield, spirit stone)
6 fire dragons (exarch, fire pike)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Arkay1a's Talking About Eldar

So here I was looking for a little info on how people use Wraith Guard to spice up the tactics for my Foot Slogging list when I came across Arkay1a. I was really impressed with his series Talking About Eldar.

This isn’t a small task so it’s inspiring to see someone jump in there and cover each unit with experience and detail as he has. Listening to other peoples opinions and uses for each unit is refreshing rather then reading over page upon page of forum banter and having to sift through so much nonsence. So when you have a moment please check out his channel and if you're as impressed as I was subscribe as well.

Foot Slogging Eldar 2

ok so things have not gone well with my attempts to make a foot slogging Eldar list. I think one of the big things is that I'm missing either war walkers or wraith lord.
  • Wraith lord are tough to kill and have some nice long range weapons
  • War walkers are cheap have long range weapons can be in a squadron and can outflank.
With this said I considered doing this as my last shot at a foot slogging Eldar list
  • Avatar
  • 5 Fire dragons
  • Farseer (runes of warding, spirit stone, doom, fortune)
  • 10 wraith guard (spirit seer, conceal, unit counts as troops)
  • 6 howling banshee (exarch, mirror swords, war shout)
  • 10 Dire avengers (exarch, defend, shimmer shield, power weapon)
  • 10 Dire avengers (exarch, defend, shimmer shield, power weapon)
  • 10 Pathfinder
  • 8 Warp Spider (exarch, withdraw, power blades, death spinner x2)

There were lots of recommendations to put guardians in and I can do that, mind you the recommendations for wraith lords or war walkers i can't yet. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Foot Slogging Eldar

okay, so I've been going to tournaments with my mech Eldar but this time I want to try a list with everyone on foot. Here is my rough list so far.

10 Dire avengers (exarch, defend, shimmer shield, power weapon)
10 Dire avengers (exarch, defend, shimmer shield, power weapon)
10 Pathfinder
10 wraith guard (spirit seer, conceal, unit counts as troops)
Autarch (scorpion chain sword, fusion gun, mandiblaster, warp spider jump pack)
8 Warp Spider (exarch, withdraw, power blades, death spinner x2)
5 Dark Reaper (exarch)

total 1695/1700

Here is the general idea, deploy the pathfinder close to the enemy deployment zone use them to kill troops or try and pop light tanks. Move the wraith guard with Eldrad fortuning them up to the enemy lines followed by the dire avengers. I want to try the warp spiders and autarch idea (of course the autarch staying alone after the assault movement). Dark reapers to help clean up any opened tanks.

What are your thoughts? How would you use these? Would you replace the dark reapers with striking scorpions? Should I use a normal farseer and not use Eldrad? Should I go for higher numbers on foot offering more kill points or stick with offering less kill points with higher cost units?

Sry the video was late, had some issues uploading =D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Eldar Warp Spider & Autach Tactic

So my idea is that you get a group of 7+1 Warp Spiders and an autarch with a fusion gun and jump pack. This is a risky tactic to pull off. Deep strike the autarch behind a transport as well as the warp spiders and use the autarch to crack the tank and the spiders to clean up the disembarking troops. In the assault phase try and move the spiders and the autarch into coherency of each other so your hq cant be picked off easily. Rinse and repeat with the next transport or unit, followed up by assaulting them. I know there is some refinement needed but this it a thought I had. Let me know what you think :)

EDIT: Doh, ok looks like we can't have an independant character join back up with a unit during the assault phase as per page 48 of the rule book. The tactic will still work, you just can't have the two join up. Good catch Andrew & Elessar =D

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Game Summit Apocalypse 36k Battle

Good vs Bad and the bad guys won! We had such a blast, so many unit on the table we had to kill some to get more on =D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aug 2009 Game Summit

Here are a few pics from the Game Summit. Keep an eye out for pics from the Midnight Apocalypse Battle, coming soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beasts of War: Deep Space Assault Console

Its a free to download sound generator that Beasts of War created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Space Hulk. Its a great addition for anyone that wants some background noise for their SpaceHulk game or any battle with nids and marines.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fox's 6k Game Summit Apocalypse List

Eldar Roster

Formation: Wild Rider Host (28#, 1250 Pts)
1 Wild Rider Host @ 1250 Pts
Strategic Redeployment; Flank March
1 Autarch @ [110] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Fleet; Independent Character; Master Strategist; Turbo-boosters; Forceshield (FShld); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Power Weapon; Shuriken Pistol (Sp); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1); Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG)
1 Farseer @ [185] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Psyker; Doom ; Fortune ; Turbo-boosters; Ghost Helm (GH); Rune Armour (RAmr); Runes of Warding (RofWard); Runes of Witnessing (RofWit); Spirit Stones (P:SpStn); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1)
7 Guardian Jetbike Squadron @ [219] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Turbo-boosters; Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x1); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x6)
1 Warlock @ [55] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Psyker; Destructor ; Turbo-boosters; Rune Armour (RAmr); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1)
7 Guardian Jetbike Squadron @ [219] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Turbo-boosters; Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x1); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x6)
1 Warlock @ [55] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Psyker; Destructor ; Turbo-boosters; Rune Armour (RAmr); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1)
6 Guardian Jetbike Squadron @ [207] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Turbo-boosters; Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x2); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x4)
1 Warlock @ [55] Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Psyker; Destructor ; Turbo-boosters; Rune Armour (RAmr); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1)
1 Vyper Squadron @ [210] Pts
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
1 Vyper @ [60] Pts
Scatter Laser (SctL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)

Formation: Cloudstrike Squadron (3#, 670 Pts)
1 Cloudstrike Squadron @ 670 Pts
1 Falcon @ [190] Pts
Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Pulse Laser (PL)
1 Falcon @ [190] Pts
Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Pulse Laser (PL)
1 Falcon @ [190] Pts
Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Pulse Laser (PL)

Formation: Aspect Assault Wave (34#, 1101 Pts)
1 Aspect Assault Wave @ 1101 Pts
1 Autarch @ [70] Pts
Fleet; Independent Character; Master Strategist; Forceshield (FShld); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG)
9 Howling Banshees @ [322] Pts
Fleet; Banshee Mask (BM); Power Weapon; Shuriken Pistol (Sp)
1 Howling Banshee Exarch @ [43] Pts
Fleet; War Shout (WS); Banshee Mask (BM); Mirrorswords (Ms)
1 EP War Shout @ [0] Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [135] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Shuriken Cannon (SCan); TL Scatter Laser(TL-SctL)
9 Dire Avengers @ [317] Pts
Fleet; Avenger S-Catapult (ASC)
1 Dire Avenger Exarch @ [69] Pts
Fleet; Bladestorm (BS); Defend (D); Power Weapon; Shimmershield (Sshld)
1 Shimmershield @ [0] Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [140] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Shuriken Cannon (SCan); TL Missile Launchers (TL-ML)
9 Dire Avengers @ [317] Pts
Fleet; Avenger S-Catapult (ASC)
1 Dire Avenger Exarch @ [69] Pts
Fleet; Bladestorm (BS); Defend (D); Power Weapon; Shimmershield (Sshld)
1 Shimmershield @ [0] Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [140] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Shuriken Cannon (SCan); TL Missile Launchers (TL-ML)

Legendary: Nightwing Interceptor (AP) (1#, 285 Pts)
1 Nightwing Interceptor (AP) @ 285 Pts
Bright Lance (BL) (x2); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x2)

Legendary: Nightwing Interceptor (AP) (1#, 285 Pts)
1 Nightwing Interceptor (AP) @ 285 Pts
Bright Lance (BL) (x2); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x2)

Legendary: Revenant Titan (AP) (1#, 800 Pts)
1 Revenant Titan (AP) @ 800 Pts
Revenant Missile Launcher; Pulsar x2

Legendary: Night Spinner (IA AP) (1#, 180 Pts)
1 Night Spinner (IA AP) @ 180 Pts
Shadow Weaver; TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn)

Legendary: Night Spinner (IA AP) (1#, 180 Pts)
1 Night Spinner (IA AP) @ 180 Pts
Shadow Weaver; TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn)

Formation: Baharroth's Tempest (19#, 746 Pts)
1 Baharroth's Tempest @ 746 Pts
1 Phoenix Lord @ [200] Pts
Fearless; Fleet; Disciples; Eternal Warriors; Independent Character
1 PL Baharroth @ [200] Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Fleet; Hit & Run; Intercept (I); Sky Leap (SL); S-Hawk Wings (SHW); Power Weapon; Hawk's Talon; Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG); S-Hawk Grenade Pack (SHGP)
7 Swooping Hawks @ [215] Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Fleet; S-Hawk Wings (SHW); Lasblaster (Lb); Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG); S-Hawk Grenade Pack (SHGP)
1 Swooping Hawk Exarch @ [68] Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Fleet; Intercept (I); Sky Leap (SL); S-Hawk Wings (SHW); Sunrifle; Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG); S-Hawk Grenade Pack (SHGP)
8 Swooping Hawks @ [231] Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Fleet; S-Hawk Wings (SHW); Lasblaster (Lb); Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG); S-Hawk Grenade Pack (SHGP)
1 Swooping Hawk Exarch @ [63] Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Fleet; Intercept (I); Sky Leap (SL); S-Hawk Wings (SHW); Hawk's Talon; Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG); S-Hawk Grenade Pack (SHGP)

HQ: Eldrad Ulthran (1#, 210 Pts)
1 Eldrad Ulthran @ 210 Pts
Psyker; Doom ; Eldritch Storm ; Fortune ; Guide ; Mind War ; Divination; Fleet; Independent Character; Ghost Helm (GH); Rune Armour (RAmr); Runes of Warding (RofWard); Runes of Witnessing (RofWit); Spirit Stones (P:SpStn); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); Staff of Ulthamar (SofU)

HQ: Farseer (1#, 155 Pts)
1 Farseer @ 155 Pts
Psyker; Doom ; Fortune ; Fleet; Ghost Helm (GH); Rune Armour (RAmr); Runes of Warding (RofWard); Runes of Witnessing (RofWit); Spirit Stones (P:SpStn); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB)

HQ: Farseer (1#, 155 Pts)
1 Farseer @ 155 Pts
Psyker; Doom ; Fortune ; Fleet; Ghost Helm (GH); Rune Armour (RAmr); Runes of Warding (RofWard); Runes of Witnessing (RofWit); Spirit Stones (P:SpStn); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB)

Total Roster Cost: 6017

Created with Army Builder
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 21, 2009

YouTube Wargamer Community

"This is the Wargaming Community on Youtube. Here you can find a great collection of wargaming stuff from painting tutorials, terrain building, modeling and everything else what is wargaming related."

The idea of the site is to bring/build the wargaming community together in one place on youtube. Alexandra Dénise (GirlPainting) the creator of the group has brought up some great reasons for doing this. Basically as it is the are people subscribed to this channel and that one yet not others, so they can be missing out on a lot of great material. This new group will hopefully bring out community closer together into a more cohesive group rather then spread all over the place like it is now.

So check it out and lets build this group together!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Game Summit Aug 2009 Apocalypse Battle

Last Game Summit Apocalypse battle was so much fun we had to do it again, we want it bigger and better then the last one.

Q. Where and when is this?
A. Aug 29th, 6:00 pm at the Nepean Sportsplex, Ottawa ON.

Q. Do I need to register?
A. You can on the forum or on at the Summit.

Q. What can I bring?
A. Anything you like! *If you can, try to build your list in 500 point blocks.

Q. Where can I get more info?

Q. Will you defend the Imperium or burn it.
A. The answer is yours...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dark Eldar Test Battle

Hey all, I went over to Mitch's (Ottawa Gamer) to test out my Dark Eldar army out and see where I should build. We did a 1k point lists, Marines vs Dark Eldar, and the mission was capture and control and dawn of war was the deployment.

Deployment was one rhino and a squad of marines with my raider with warriors in it

The game progressed from there with the Dark Eldar advancing to meet the Marines on the right of the table. A few highlights from the battle were 2 raiders and the ravager were destroyed, the assault marines squished my Archon and his warrior squad. The warp beasts tore up a squad of assault marines and their chaplin with the help of the bikes. My wych squad was almost wiped out after jumping from their wrecked raider, the two remaining wych survived to hold up a 10 man marine squad for 2 turns alone ( thats like 4 assault phases damn). Here are some pics from the battle below. The game ended in my troops covering my objective were shot and ran off the board but my remaining raider zoomed up to contest Mitch's objective. What I learned from this battle is I want 2 more beasts, wyches and warriors. After lunch I totaly forgot to keep taking pics haha so the last two turns are missing :( Thanks for the great game Mitch!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Eldar Falcon Paint Bubbling..

So I was working on this falcon finally putting it back together and primed it. When I came back to see how it was drying the paint bubbled in different spots. Wanting to see what I could do with the situation I grabbed some white, purple and various colours of blue and went to work. This was the result. I'm kinda happy with it :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Darby's Bored Gets a New Look

I've upgraded my YouTube channel so when people visit they don't have to leave the channel to watch all the videos I've posted. I hope this will make the video experience more seamless. Subscribe because I'm going to be trying to upload videos once a week, depending on my schedule.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

40k @ North Bay Games and Hobbies

I usually pop by North Bay often enough and when I can I like to bring my army along and see if I can get a few games in at the local store. I was lucky enough to get in touch with a few guys from the area to meet up on Satruday for a few games. We each had 1.5k lists and tried a 1v1v1 game that went well and ended in a draw. I thought I was smart starting in reserve because I was going third but this kept me out of the game for the first 2-3 turns, stupid bad rolls. The second game we tried a 2 on 1, Orks and Eldar vs Marines, sadly I had to leave early and we ended on turn 4 with a tie. Great games guys and thanks Terry for letting us pop by the store!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Warhammer World!

So about a year ago I was working in Manchester, luckily I was able to get a day off and head over to Nottingham to visit Warhammer World. I was lucky enough to meet Phill Kelly, he signed my 5th ed rule book and I got to see so many fantastic models and games :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eldar/Alien Colours?


Trying to think of an alien colour scheme for your Eldar army and not sure where to go? There are so many resources that you can pull from. Cars, miniature websites, blogs, paintings, advertisements and even comforters.

I was sitting in my living room leafing through a catalog and the colours of some comfortors reallt stood out. Here are some interesting examples of colours that I may not have though of using.


Fox's Eldar Army

Hey all, from time to time I take some pics and intend to do a report on my army but I end up stopping half way though. Way back I did a video of the entire army all in pics and damn that was a while ago and took longer then I wanted.

Well folks this time I just made a video and took a few pics but didn't go into as much detail as I did last time. Looks like my army is about 10K in points.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Battle Pics @ Games Workshop Ottawa #1

Two battles at the Games Workshop store in Ottawa. My Eldar are pitted against Marines and Tau on separate days. The Marine battle was a tough fight right to the end, it ended with 2 - 0 objectives for the Marines. The Tau battle went a little better for me, it ended with 2 - 1 objectives for the Eldar.

Thanks An00bis & Gahris for the great battles!
You can visit Gahris' blog at Ottawa Gamer

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, Two 1k Point Battle Reports!

First Battle, Fox's Eldar Vs Crimsonwraith's Imperial Guard.

  • Resulted in an Imperial victory one objective to zero for the guard

Second Battle, Fox's Eldar Vs Bonham's Chaos Marines
"Can you hear the voices?"

  • Resulted in an Eldar victory 3 Kill points to zero for the Eldar

Thanks Greg and Doug for the great Sunday afternoon!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dark Eldar WIP

Here is a quick video update. I'm working on my Dark Eldar army and finally got around to cleaning up the shelves for my Eldar. Once my final jetbike shipment is in I'll do a run through of my Eldar army.

Army Consists of:
  • Archon
  • Urien Rakarth
  • 20 warriors
  • 3 raiders
  • 1 ravager
  • 5 wych
  • 3 warp beast and master
  • 3 bikes (one on the way with blaster)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Eldar Jet Bikes

What can I say, guardians moving 12 -18" with a 3+ save is priceless. Toss in a Farseer and a Warlock and you have one powerful unit. Some use a seer council but I'm trying to move away from that. The fluff for my Craftworld is that its a scouting group from Ulthew, so they have limited resources and access to aspect and seers. With that said here is how usually set up my army.

I wont go with less then 8 bikes in a squad usually, the idea is with 2 being devoted to cannons you only have 6 bikes to soak up any wounds so numbers help and work. Thats the base of my two troop units, I'll toss in a warlock with enhanced or embolden depending on my point restriction and a farseer with Fortune.

Two bike units supported by a warlock and farseer in each can be really tough to beat and they can hold their own against several opponents. Some weaknesses I've found are its cost and not being able to deal with AV14. Now thats the thing with Eldar players, we usually build our armies so each unit has a specific role and each unit supports the other. I use these units for popping small rhino, mid size battle tanks (the ones with av10 on the rear), multiple objective grabbing and supporting assault units. So this is my core and I add other units to help support, units like swooping hawks, vypers, dire avengers/guardians and several others.

Well there you go, thats just my take on Eldar jet bikes, again I prefer not using a seer council because I have had more luck with this combo so far. That and my council gets targeted and wiped out early. lol


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Scratch Built Eldar Titan

So I came home one day and my wife made me a titan.. WTF, talk about creative..

Some of the items she has used were:
  • Barbie Doll
  • Dollar Store Robot
  • Foam Card
  • Bionical Mask
  • Plastic Card
  • Grey Stuff
  • Dollar Store Gem Stickers
Here are some pics, the final product has a few tweaks.

The final work has a few changes, the jet packs are the biggest mod as well as the pulse lasers used as pulsar proxy :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Guardians heroes of the Craftworld

Within the Eldar community there is a love hate relationship with guardians. Many love using them others won’t even buy the models. Personally I love the little guys, they way I picture them is having the same armor and weaponry as everyone else except they’re just not as skilled at using them.

It’s like the scene in 300 where the Spartans meet up with their allies from the surrounding provinces. The Spartans allies were farmers, bakers, and candle stick makers, where as the Spartans were bread for war. Both groups had swords, armor and shields but one group knew how to use the weapons better then the other. So that’s how one could account for this idea that Craftworlds give their citizens crappy armor and weapons, it’s really not that, they’re just not as skilled as the aspect warriors. A guardian may not duck, dodge or dive at the right moment as a howling banshee might and a guardian may not know proper breathing techniques as a dire avenger would when shooting long range.

Now some people may mention well they have thousands of years to train and should be better skilled with defense and use of their weapons, true but they are just artisans. My argument would be that they’ve live for so long but what we consider as basic training done in a few weeks an Eldar could take years to complete something they would regard as basic training. Of course these are just thoughts I have and my attempts to explain how I see the guardians.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

North Bay Jan 31st 2009 40k Tournament

After 4 rounds of play the winners were:

Best Overall: Will/Ottawa/OrksBest
Sportsman: Darby/Ottawa/Eldar
Best General: Dave/Parry Sound/Daemons
Best Presented: Mike/North Bay/Tyranids

Here are the standings based on overall score:
  1. Will
  2. Dave
  3. Andrew
  4. Darby
  5. Vlad
  6. Ian
  7. Scott
  8. Mike
  9. Rob S
  10. Adam
  11. Jayson
  12. Rob M

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why Ulthwe Eldar?

Well I've never been asked this very often but I would like to make mention of it as I start this little blog. Why did I choose the Ulthwe craftworld. I would have to say for three reasons, Guardians, Farseers/Warlocks and the fluff.

First off why so I like Guardians? Well to put it simply they are just your typical civilian fighting for their home. Something I think I can relate to more then a six foot Space Marine.

Why do I like Farseer and Warlocks? I think it has to do with the fact that they are like wizards. When I used to play D&D back in the day that’s one of the only classes I would play. If I can stay on D&D for a moment I also used to play elves exclusively, so I guess that may be another reason for the soft spot I have for these space elves.

So on to the fluff, Ulthwe is by no means a safe place like most of the other craftworlds save perhaps a few. It’s not just a small population that threatens these Eldar but the very fact that they are on the edge of what’s called the Eye of Terror. Most of the back story mentions that the reason for Ulthwe having so many great psykers is because of the close proximity to this warp space rupture.

So in a nutshell that’s basically why I like Ulthwe, the colours and Egyptian eye are also reason I enjoy this army but I could really go on for a long while about why I like this specific group of Eldar. Mind you recently I am developing a real love for speedy units so maybe a change towards Saim-Hann could be in the future, but who really knows.

So in closing remember “Their firepower is matched only by their arrogance.”